The use of CO2 meters for hotels and gyms in Asturias is mandatory

The Principality makes the use of CO2 meters mandatory inhospitality establishments, discotheques, nightlife businesses, gambling and betting venues and gyms.

Although Asturias presents the same evolution of the pandemic as the rest of the communities, with an accelerated increase in the number of covid cases and the accumulated incidence at 14 days, although slightly above the national average. The impact is different between the different age groups: most of the infections are registered among the population under 12 years of age and in the group between 60 and 69 years old. So, on the occasion of the Christmas season,the Principality has decided to increase prevention measures.

The obligation will apply to interior spaces for public use in which the mask cannot be used continuously due to the activity that takes place in them. It will also affect venues in which more than 500 people congregate simultaneously, even if the mask is used permanently.



  • They should be placed in hospitality, nightlife and gym establishments.
  • The device should be placed ina visible place for the clienteleand so that it can be monitored thatair quality it does not exceed 800 ppm.
  • If the established limit is exceeded, the localmust be ventilated naturally or through a ventilation system.
  • It is also mandatory to use it in any interior space wherecontinuous use of the mask is not mandatory as it can be in: toy libraries, schools from 0 to 3 years, nurseries and academies.


  • AirGuardian has aNDIR sensor of temperature, humidity and CO2 for a precise measurement, avoiding other gases of the air.
  • Thanks to your color lighting system, it is easily visible to monitor the air quality.
  • AirGuardian devices are light and comfortable To put.
  • With the AirGuardian App, you will be able to remotely control and monitor the indoor air quality of your premises.


  •  Download and consult the history of measurements of the last 6 months.
  •  Manage an unlimited number of devices associated with a single account.
  •  Activates automatic ventilation control through API with up to 48 requests per day and meter.
  •  Receive alerts and set the minimum and maximum CO2 values.
  •  Set theday mode / night mode.
  •  Associate smart plug devices and let the automations help you with theenergy saving.
app airguardian

All from the same application, which you can use for free until it is available.


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